So I have a little spare time right now so I thought I'd update on what our family has been up to.
* On Jan 31st I went to Magrath to take the Wood Badge I. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a training for leaders in Scouts. I was "encouraged" to take it because I am over the 11 year old Scouts in our ward, so I did and surprisingly learned a lot of what the Scouting program entails.

* On February 1st Kirk left for Las Vegas at 4am, with his brother and parents, for the Concrete show. This Sunday I had Ward Council at 7am and during Sharing/Singing Time had our Teacher Improvement with our Primary Teachers. Later that night at 6pm we had our Priesthood Preview. It was a busy day but everything got done and was filled with the spirit. Thanks to my great councilors who took my girls early, early in the morning so I could get to my meeting or took over all the Primary Children when I had their teachers for 20 minutes and who were able to participate at the Priesthood Preview with the music and refreshment. I love these women!
* Feb. 2nd was Nevee's first day at parent preschool for this semester. We sure have fun together and enjoy this special time.
* Feb. 6th the girls and I went up to TownPump to rent a movie and found 3 fun previously viewed Disney movies in the for sale box. So we bought Good Boy, Lilo and Stitch and Finding Nemo for $5 each. We got home and settled in with popcorn & drinks to watch Good Boy. Such a cute movie. And right when I ended Kirk was home from his Vegas vacation. The girls were sure excited to see him, so was I! He brought us all something from the city that never sleeps, the girls each got a t-shirt and I got these Pearl earrings. It's sure nice to see that he know me and my taste. I'm not real big jewelery girl but these are totally me. Just love 'em!

* Feb. 8th we had our "It's Great to be Eight" right after our block. We have 8 kids turning 8 this year, one of them being Laina, in October (I think she is the baby of her class). All of them and their parents were there, which was so great! It was short and sweet and we had muffins for refreshments after. We (the presidency) made these little bundles of white for each of the kids. They thought they were great.
I found the white towels($1.97) and wash clothes($0.49) at Walmart and the soap (3 for $1) and the flowers (one bunch for $1) at the $ store. Tekarra (1st Councilor) had the clips and brad centers already on hand for the flower barrettes. And the CTR pins at the LDS Keystone Books store $2.99 each (thankfully we only have 2 boys). I then found a poem on some website and changed it a bit so it would go with our little bundle of white. If you want it just let me know and I'll gladly send it to you.
* Feb. 11th I had a PAC meeting. You want to know what PAC is? Well I'm not really sure myself I think it stands for Parent And Council but I'm not sure in any regard it was a parent council meeting with the school. There was also a baby shower for my niece Megan and her newest addition Taza Rae (pronounced Taja). She is such a little sweety, congrats Megan, Brett and big sister Sage!
* Feb 13th the start of a 10 week holiday with kidlets. I love these weeks of NO school!
* Feb. 14th we were invited to a Valentines party at our back yard neighbours. We had a fun time and yummy chocolate fondue and fruit. Thanks Pat and Tekarra for always including us!
* Feb. 16th Family Day Kirk started a service project but was home by 1pm and then we got ready and went into a movie with the girls. While we were finding a place to park we ran into Kirks brother Brandon and his family also planning on going to a show. We all wanted to see Bolt but it was sold out so we went to The Tale of Despereaux, not one for my books but I think the kids liked it.

So now it's the 17th and Kirk is home and it's only 12:30pm. I love it when it's too cold for him to work and he can be home. So we may have to run in to Leth to buy HSM 3 for Nevee's birthday tomorrow. For any of you who doesn't know our so soon to be 4 year old is in love with Troy Bolton. She even wears his "T" necklace non stop.

Hope you all have a great week!
I'm so glad to know that I am not the only mother with a four-year-old who loves Troy Bolton (good grief, eh?). Mine loves to check out the jewelry counter at Walmart, she thinks all of the crosses are Troy necklaces! Where did you get a real one?
Hey how are you doing?? Looks like you have been so busy! Life eh! I finally found out what pac actually stands for parent advisory council who knew eh! I really didn't either! So I finally asked to funny I thought I was the only one! Well ttys
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