Sunday, January 20, 2008


so much has happened in the last week it is hard to know where to start? I guess it will have to be Monday morning, January 14th. Kirk just left for work at 8am and the girls and I were getting ready for the day. Pacey was waiting my mother-in-law to come take her to school when the phone rang at 8:10 and Nevee HAD to answer it. It was for me and the voice on the other end was panicked and scared, "Hey, Tina, I'm just out side of Raymond. I was in a bad accident, I think my femur is broken. It was bad, real bad". As I was listening and trying to recognise the voice I finally yelled out "Julie!?! Oh my goodness, OK, I'm on my way!" And then I heard in the back ground "mam, are you OK" and then click, the phone went dead. I immediately called Kirk so he could go check out the scene and then I called my parents, who had already received a phone call from Julie. I was stressed and panicked, all I could think about was cleaning the house(?), then Kirk called and said she would be OK but that there was another vehicle involved and that it had been a head on collision. He told me she would be taken to Lethbridge Hospital, so I called my parents and told them to head to Lethbridge. I got off the phone and my mother-in-law called and told me she was coming to get Laina and Nevee so I could go in to be Julie and my parents. Kirk came and got me and to the ER we went, we were told to wait in the waiting room and 10 minutes later my parents came in. We really had no news of anything and then 2 of Julies, co-workers came to be with us. About 1/2 hour later they lets us in to see her. She had X-rays done and a MRI and CAT scan, all they found was her left femur broke. You might think I'm saying that lightly, it's not my intent but really that WAS ALL! No bruising, no internal bleeding, no other broken anythings, just her femur. At this time when all was kind of quiet Dad and Kirk gave her a blessing which gave us all comfort. As there was not much we could do at this point I told Kirk he should go back to work and if there was anything I needed I'd call him.
The Orthopedic Surgeon came and seen her at 11am and said they would have to do surgery to put a pin in her leg. Now they call it a pin but really it is a rod about 1 1/2 feet long and 1/2 inch wide. He said they would fit her in, some time within the next 8 eight hours. We were relived as there was some talk about her possibly having to be taken to Calgary. She was given pain medication and an anti anxiety pill to help her calm down and then something to help her not remember when they put her on another bed and straighten her broken leg and put it in traction. Me and my parents were out of the room during this and when we came back she couldn't remember them doing anything but she was wide awake and the nurse said she screamed and Julie just couldn't believe she couldn't remember it. How amazing it is to me the medications and technology and just plain knowledge there is out there being updated and helping so many! At 1pm the surgeon came and said they had a OR booked for her, so up the OR we went and waited for an hour where she went in at 2pm. Mom and Dad brought me home as the surgery was to be 2 hours and then another 2 hours in the recovery room.
The Surgery went great and she was doing OK in her room.

So here we are Sunday January 20th and there have been many ups and downs in so many peoples lives this last week. Julie will heal and eventually in time, be OK. But there is another side to this past week and that is for the dearest families who lost a beloved husband, son and brother. The driver of the other vehicle involved in the collision, was taken instantly to live with our Heavenly Father. Through this difficult time I have been overwhelmed to tears by the great people in this community and all those around. The families of the this Young man are the most Christ like people I have ever had the privilege of knowing and meeting! They are so concerned with Julie's recovery and have made it so clear that there is no blame and no anger. There are no words I can really use to describe these wonderful people just that they are who I want to be like, they are Charity, even the pure love of Christ! I have learned so much from them in letting the Lord direct, and be present in my life. Being reminded that Heavenly Father has a plan for us all and even though there will be trials and hardships he provides the way to go. I know I have been taught this but this week it has been shown to me and my family. Sometimes we go through life not trying to take things for granted but some times we are reminded of the fullness of this gospel and the wonderful standards it holds for us to REALLY live by. I know that Julie will recover physically and mentally because of these great families.

Thanks to all of you who have prayed for us and thought of us!

1 comment:

Krista said...

The pure love of Christ is truly the most blessed gift to be given.
My heart cries for all involved.